On October 10 Council presented local resident, Josephine Michaluk, with a copy of the newest edition of the Guinness Book of World Records showing she currently holds a world record for blood donations.

Last October, Council learned this long-time resident of Penhold was being recognized by the Guinness Book of Records for her selfless act in setting a world record for the most whole blood donated (female). Josephine has donated blood over 203 times and Council was honoured to present her with a copy of the book at their meeting this week.

Mayor Yargeau stated, “We know we have exceptional people in Penhold, however to have the world learn of one of our heroes, makes me feel so blessed. We are very fortunate to have people willing to give of themselves for others and I am so proud to have the privilege to know Josephine and thank her so much for her contributions to Albertans in need.”

Josephine has been donating blood for almost six decades and hopes to inspire more people to give blood, and she encourages all eligible people to do so.


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